I hail from Ohio, the state with no mountains, so this mountain-seeking girl is heading for the Appalachian Trail in 2017! I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 2013 and have been working in the animal care field ever since, taking care of everything from horses to snakes to tigers to bears to eagles. At present, I am the Curator of Birds at a sanctuary for birds in Ohio. I am not sure where in life I want to go from here, so I am hoping that spending four months in the woods will help me discover some direction. Happy Trails! “Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”
The Final Chapter
Vulture here. My AT journey began in 2017—and now I can write the final chapter at last.
700 Miles that Will Have to Wait
To say that it has been an interesting week would be an understatement. I’m not even really sure what happened. All I know is I felt like I was
Back on Trail after Hurricane Break
I am back on the trail! After a five-day delay because of Hurricane Florence, I was able to get back on trail earlier this week. Section-hiking
Waiting on Florence, in Safety off the Trail
It occurred to me that I should post an update regarding my current situation, since I know there are some folks who follow my blogs here but may not
When You’ve Been Stuck in Shenandoah for a Year…
...it feels pretty darn good to reach Rockfish Gap and leave the park behind. OK, so I haven't actually been stuck in Shenandoah for a year.
Three Days on the AT, One Happy Hiker
I left a piece of my heart in Appalachia. "Mountains! I want to see mountains, Gandalf!" I knew it from the second the mountains came into
From a Fellow Hiker, My Two Cents As 2018 Hikers Head Out
At this time last year, I was anticipating the biggest adventure of my life (so far) with an incredible level of panic. It’s safe and accurate to say
The Million Dollar Question
As in, if I had a dollar for every person who asked me this question, I would have a million dollars. Disclaimer: This post might only apply if
Heartbroken, but Determined and Hopeful
I apologize for my long hiatus from blogging. I am still alive! I have not written a post because I simply have not known what to write. I am