Richard Murray
Hello and welcome! I am Richard, a 41 year old father of two beautiful daughters (ages 14 and 6), just making my way through the world. I will be doing something different than a normal thru hike this year, participating in the Hiker Challenge and section hiking the Sheltowee Trace in Kentucky one weekend a month. I will also be attempting a thru hike of the Foothills Trail in South Carolina around late April, and possibly joining my nephew on some backpacking adventures in Europe in the late summer.
Hiker Challenge Section 5 – Day 2: ATV Trails
Waking Up and Heading Out The trail today was a challenging mix of ATV trails over 15 miles. I spent a lot of time dodging around mud holes on wide
Hiker Challenge Section 5 – Day 1: The Woods Awaken!
A week of rain Section 5 of the Hiker Challenge covered 29 miles, going from mile 117 to mile 146. On Saturday, I went 14 miles, camping at a local
Hiker Challenge Section 4 – Day 2: More Roads
Just Walking a Road I slept well the night before and woke up around 6:00. The other guys were already starting to pack up and we were all finished
Hiker Challenge Section 4 – Day 1: Road Walking
Getting Started Of all the sections in the Hiker Challenge and on the Sheltowee Trace, this was the one I considered skipping the most. And
Hiker Challenge Section 3 – Day 2: Playing it Safe
Allow me to Introduce the Red River Gorge The previous night's talk around the campfire centered on one topic – what to do the next day at the
Hiker Challenge Section 3 – Day 1: Misery Isn’t All That Bad
Mt. Misery While the previous sections were 26 miles each, this section increased to 35 miles. This increase was a little daunting at first, but it
An Update
The Struggle is Real It is funny how life can work sometimes. You find things in the least likely of places, right when you need to find them. These
Hiker Challenge Section 2: What? More Rain? Okay.
Author’s note: I begin each trip report with an explanation of the section's route, followed by a breakdown of each day. The route: Clear Creek
Hiker Challenge Section 1: Rain, Rain, Go Away
Author’s note: I begin each trip report with an explanation of the section's route, followed by a breakdown of each day. The Route: Northern
And So it Begins
The Challenge is Quickly Approaching I am just a few days away from the first section of the Hiker Challenge! Over the years, the Challenge has