My name is Sakari, an adventure seeker from Finland. I will be attempting to thru-hike the PCT in 2024. Looking forward to sharing my photos and stories with you.
I’m not ready for it to end
The trail is slightly overgrown. My hands get wet as I brush them against the moist scrubs. My steps are light as I dance over pebbles and rocks. A
Fire and Ice
To finish California is a huge milestone on the PCT. It goes on for ages and in the end feels like it never end.s But it does and after walking for
The heat is on
We found ourselves still hiking in a burn scar when we left Chester. It wasn't anything new to us, as we made our way towards the boundary of Lassen
NoCal Blues
When talking about different sections of the trail: the desert is hot, the Sierra is beautiful and demanding, Oregon you will fly through, Washington
I am done with it…
I mean the Sierra Nevada range. As I sit in a courtyard of a motel here in South Lake Tahoe, it feels like a life time ago since I left Bishop. My
Beautiful Sierra
As I left Kennedy Meadows South, I definitely didn't feel like a gram weenie anymore. The weight of crampons, microspikes, an ice axe and a bear can
I love challenges, guess that is why I chose to do a thru-hike. It is interesting to see how I can push myself: how many miles can my feet take in a
My Ice Axe Is Gone
We left Big Bear with high spirits, after spending a Nero there. With heavy packs full of food we pushed on, and it didn't take long until we were
Leaving Idyllwild I felt excited about the upcoming section. San Jacinto had just got a storm system passing by and the idea of fresh snow on Apache
Big smiles and even bigger miles.
Like many of us, I had some sort of plan on how fast I wanted to get to certain places. But I also knew that on the PCT plans never really work out