I Live 4 Adventure! Being a wife and mother of 5 children ages 8 – 18 is an adventure in itself! I have recently been awarded (by myself) an Honorary Doctorate in Advanced Diaper changing, Child Psychology, First Aid, Homeopathic Medicine as well as being a Master Chef & Gardener and Chief Laundress. I am Leaving Mt Laundry behind and hitting the Appalachian Trail with my two youngest in pursuit of Mt Katahdin. Come along with us. We will be partners in the adventure, commiserate in the misery and share in the joy of the hike. @welive4adventure
Raising Little Gypsies
Good Morning Adventure! I'm Stephanie and I spent my childhood in the heart of Florida running wild through the woods, swimming in the crystal
Feb 6, 2017 : Stephanie Whitehurst
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