
Hello there! I'm Taylor. I've been a zookeeper, a dolphin trainer, an English teacher. Sometimes I'm a writer, a poet, an adventurer, a hiker. I like to push limits and face my fears. I love doing things people tell me I can't. I love to take my dog, Dobby, along with me. We have just successfully completed thru-hiking the Long Trail and are trying to remember to shower every day.


What Starts Well Doesn’t End Well: Long Trail Day Two

What Starts Well Doesn’t End Well: Long Trail Day Two

Hello, sun. I wake up in Jay Camp to the lightening sky outside, surrounded by the men I met the night before. My sleep was light mostly due to

Nov 6, 2018 : Taylor
Welcome to Vermud: Our First Day on the Long Trail

Welcome to Vermud: Our First Day on the Long Trail

Dobby and I set off from the Northern Terminus intent on the Laura Woodard Shelter about eight miles away. I had read that one of the mistakes

Nov 2, 2018 : Taylor
I Open at the Close: Long Trail Day 0

I Open at the Close: Long Trail Day 0

9/28 On Friday, September 28, I load Dobby in my car after work and drive through the night to reach my brother's apartment in New York at 7 a.m. on

Oct 18, 2018 : Taylor
Lost on the Long Trail: What’s in the Box

Lost on the Long Trail: What’s in the Box

Don't worry, it's not Gwyneth Paltrow's head. It's my resupply! I mentioned in my first post that I decided to send myself resupply boxes instead

Oct 18, 2018 : Taylor
Finding Lost on the Long Trail

Finding Lost on the Long Trail

Hello, Trek blogger world. My name is Taylor and I will be your conductor on this literary train ride through the Vermont wilderness on the

Oct 17, 2018 : Taylor