Bad weather

Not My Usual 

I usually blog when I get to a big town and take a zero (zero miles hiked that day). It’s become a routine that I look forward to. But this blog is different. New adventures happen when you least expect them! 

Storms Forecasted

We check the weather pretty frequently while hiking. It’s a pretty important thing when we are technically living outside. So far rain, sleet, some snow, cold temps and heat have all impacted my hike. Layers of clothes and gear changes are so common throughout the day that it’s not even a question of if just when I’ll change out gear. Weather checked and storms in the forecast but I’ve seen the clouds come and go with nothing but a sprinkle.  We, Badger, Scout and myself discussed our options at the first road crossing.  No cell service, of course, and no way to let Hershey know what we were doing.  Also no way to call for a shuttle.  After some discussion, we decided that we could hitch. Hitchhiking is not the safest mode of travel on the trail but it is an option especially when the thunder, rain and wind was picking up. So thumbs were stuck out and the three of us hoped that someone would stop.  A nice man, Gary, in a literal falling apart white pickup stopped to give us a ride!! The truck bed was perfect for the guys and I sat up front! He drove us as far as he could about 10 miles towards Hot Springs.  Thank you, Gary!! Crossed off an item off Badger’s and Scout’s bucket list! But we still had about 5 freaking miles to go! Thumbs out yet again until the heavy rain started and quickly became hail so we dashed across the street to a little store and huddled under a small awning.  The owner, Jemima, was an absolute sweetheart and let us stand there, called us a shuttle and gave us snacks!! Trail magic of the best kind!  


So here we are at Laughing Heart Hostel yet again after leaving and hiking only 15 miles. The weather sucked overall.  Tornadoes west of here, heavy rains everywhere and I’m sure wind damage occurred. I’m thankful that people are still willing to help others.  In a time when the world kinda sucks, it’s nice knowing that there are still folks willing to go out of their way to help one another.  Muddy, wet hikers really appreciate rides and the kindness of others. Thank you to all those wonderful people out there who stop to help us hikers!

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Comments 1

  • Burgundy J Smith : May 10th

    Love your posts! Keep on Trekking ☮️💚


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