Husky Hiking: Holy Mother of Learning Curves
Husky Hiking: Holy Mother of Learning Curves Basecamp and I after hiking Mount Quandary, a 14er near Breckenridge, CO. My wife (Basecamp aka Marie) and I (Yeti Legs...
Answering the Top 15 FAQs about the Pacific Crest Trail
Happy New Year! I'm responding to the top 15 most frequently asked questions I received about my hike. What's that/where's that? The Pacific Coast Trail, right? I used to think...
9 Mistakes I Made on my PCT LASH (Spoiler: Everything Still Turned Out OK)
No hiker does everything perfectly. Last summer, I hiked over 500 miles of the PCT in the desert and the Sierra Nevada. Before my hike, there were plenty of popular...
The PCT Desert: Myths vs. Fact
Most Pacific Crest Trail thru-hikers begin their journey in the desert — the first steps on the trail that they’ll be walking on for the next five months. The desert...
Introducing Appalachian Trail FAQ with the ATC
The Trek is thrilled to introduce a new series through our YouTube channel, in partnership with Andrew Downs of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, called "Appalachian Trail FAQ." If you've got
Appalachian Trail Ridgerunner: Frequently Asked Questions
As a ridgerunner you get asked the same questions over and over. Here's a compilation of the most commonly asked questions from what do ridgerunners do to can you take...
Four-week FAQs
I'm four weeks away from kicking off my thru-hike and you have questions.
Hiking with Dogs 101: Choosing a Hiking Dog
I see a lot of "articles" floating around the web with titles like: Top 10 Breeds of Hiking Dogs, or Which Dog Breed Makes the Best Hiking Dog? These headlines always make...
Who Was the Oldest Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker?
Sandy B. writes... Q: How old was the oldest male through hiker? A: This is a fairly common question, and I think the uncertainty stems from confusing Google results (see below)....
6 Ways To Get Great Photos On Your Next Hike
T-minus: 146 days One of the main guidelines of Leave No Trace Principles is leaving what you find, and this makes photography a huge help when it comes to hiking. Not only can...