Hiking Naked
This year, I won’t be celebrating Hike Naked Day on the AT since I’m currently off the trail and resting my banged-up knee at my mom and stepdad’s house in Massachusetts.
Last year, however, I not only got to be naked in nature but had my wonderful videographer partner along to document the experience and interview me about the positive impact hiking has had on my relationship with my body. The full NSFW short video can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/222450140
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Comments 13
beautiful! Hope you heal up and get back on that trail in fine form soon! (I have stalked Meshel’s blog for years so I feel like I know you! I saw you were headed out on the AT and couldn’t wait to follow your journey. I have since started reading so many other blogs from The Trek – wow wow wow. So inspiring and beautiful!)
Hello Kate. Enjoyed your posts, especially the one with link to hiking informal. Have had commitments yesterday and today, but hope to do some tomorrow. Too bad about your knee, one of the worst designed parts of the human body, it seems. Hope you can get it passably operational soon. My knee are OK, thankfully, but I had prostate cancer, which has left me with various lower body nuisance issues. Still a fairly strong walker though and hope to do some longer trips, if possible. Noticed your reference to bees, but in my experience, bees are no problem, but wasps can be. Take care. Get well and march on.
Hi Kate,
I love your short video about your Hike Naked Day experience! I am a nudescaster (yes, nudes) for Clothes Free International. CFI is a family friendly website with positive views about being naked. It is a membership only website. That being the case, only people with similar values would be viewing your video. I would love to share your story and video on our next episode of Clothes Free TV but would like your permission first. Please let me know how you feel about this.
And, thank you for sharing your experience. I greatly appreciated your thoughts and what you gleaned from your Hike Naked Day. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Hilary Klose
Hi Kate,
What a wonderful hiking naked video. We appear to be like minded about walking naturally. I’m a bit shy and only bushwalk naked occasionally, usually in the hot weather and mostly alone. Over the years I have discovered some wonderful natural places; cool shaded canyons, rock pools and gentle waterfalls. There is nothing more exhilarating that feeling the air and sun kiss your body, taking a plunge into a secluded pool or sitting for a while under a small waterfall.
It is very hard to find and maintain friends who feel the same way I do about walking naked and really feeling the natural environment.
Your a brave beautiful women. I think you look terrific and you make a terrific point about your partnership with your body. I suppose I should feel the same about mine, maybe I need to change that for myself. My hats off to you.
Ok, but you do wear shoes during your naked hiking, I mean i doubt I could go naked hiking without shoes on, my feet don’t like rocks and sharp sticks, Lol
Hi! I just heard about naked hiking day and when I googled it I found your site. I just want to say Good for you, for appreciating your body just as it is. “Beautiful” comes in all shapes and sizes.
Bravo to you for your wonderful video!!
My wife and I have hiked naked in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Hawaii as well as visiting hot springs, a couple of clothing optional beaches, etc. Nothing is quite as free-ing as hiking naked. I can’t recall that we’ve ever met anyone else whilst hiking naked, though we have at hot springs etc. because we choose remote areas and hike naked from trailheads where there are no other cars.
Again, good job on the fun video!!
The link to vimeo no longer works, Kate.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look into that.
It should be fixed now!
Great story
Just found this link and subscribed. We both love hiking nude. I’m also from Wisconsin unfortunately have never hiked nude there.
Ms. K