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To paraphrase Steve Miller, I'm a writer, I'm a runner, I'm a long-distance hiker, sure don't want to hurt no one.... I got my trail name, Pony, in 2015 when I hiked the Colorado Trail. In 2016, I hiked the Appalachian Trail; 2018, Foothills Trail and Alabama Pinhoti Trail; 2019, Great Plains Trail pilot trail in South Dakota and Nebraska; I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail from April 7-Aug. 7, 2021; I completed the ~240-mile Cape Wrath Trail in Scotland in May 2023; I hiked the first 1,060 miles of the Continental Divide Trail in 2022 and will start SOBO to complete the CDT on July 6, 2023. My most recent books are "Bones of My Grandfather: Reclaiming a Lost Hero of World War II," "The Trail is the Teacher: Living and Learning on the Appalachian Trail," Adrift on the Pacific Crest Trail," and "I See by Your Outfit: An Unexpected Cowboy Odyssey."