Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail Week 12
We continue to peruse all of the wonderful pictures from Instagram with the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and select a few of the best each week.
If you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hash tag #AppalachianTrail (and Appalachian Trials for extra bonus points).
Here is this week’s best pictures from the #AppalachianTrail (winner of the week is at the bottom):
@alexharndt found a (potentially murderous) friend
@jdirty92 with an un-shabby view from Wesser Bald.
@cody_moe near the hayfields of New York
@onthetrail2014 making friends with the locals
@r_elia_ble sits atop the world’s most baller (albeit uncomfortable) chair atop Dragon’s Tooth.
Appalachian Trials own Montana of @PeakedCuriosity hits the halfway-ish point.
@kerrylow stumbled upon all of the sunrays.
@kbecktheexplorer captures this brilliant sunset from the hiker shelter in Glasgow, VA.
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