The Best Instagram Photos from the #AppalachianTrail This Week
We continue to peruse all of the wonderful pictures from Instagram with the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and #AppalachianTrials and select a few of the best each week.
If you would like your picture to be included, be sure to use the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and/or #AppalachianTrials (we give preference to this one). And follow Appalachian Trials on Instagram for even more AT love.
Here is this week’s best pictures from the #AppalachianTrail (with the winner of the week at the bottom):
@kristen_kendrick, @annabirdyball, @groundbird_gear, @tricksat14, @shattuck311, @team.turnt.up have done the research and the results are in. Fall is here.
@chrisbianchisays on Baldplate Mountain in Maine.
@marbledorbweaver and his buddy, the Marbled Orb Weaver.
@oneilr hitching to town in a hog.
@elihfitpatrick showing that there’s a fine line between backpacking fuel and recipe for diabetes.
@j_eli_r at Big Hump Mountain.
@kayla1091 looking on the Bigelows.
HECK YES @tricksat14 + @fly522
@amynoellelong celebrating her entrance into 14/14 with some proper hygiene.
@_brettevans on top of the world…
…in the whites.
Breaking on the photo-only rule, for the love of @jessemayphoto’s beard.
@spaceyystaceyy takes the words right out of our hands
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