Lost Creek High Route: A Lesson in Restraint

I was itching for some above treeline adventure.

The first break above treeline.

I knew that it wouldn’t be too long before the trail brought me up high, but I was still impatient. And so I left the trail on an alternate called the Lost Creek High Route. Recommended by PMags, the route follows the Brookside-McCurdy Trail up to a saddle, then ventures off trail up to the backbone of the Kenosha Mountains. From there, it’s nine peaks before you hit the Ben Tyler Trail on Platosha Pass for the return journey. It’s an extra challenge, but attainable for those with alpine experience. And so I set off on the alternate.

The amazing view from the top of the first peak.

I made it up the Brookside-McCurdy Trail quickly, but after the first peak I hit a wall.
It was the afternoon, and between mental math in my head and looking at the climbs ahead of me, I realized I wouldn’t make it to the end before sundown.

One of the many climbs between the Kenosha peaks

And so I decided to bail on the high route. An hour and too much off-trail willow bashing later, I made it back to the trail. I was forced to hike many more miles up the trail to find a good campsite.

The aftermath

The next day, I was spurred on by the views of snowcapped mountains in the distance. Georgia Pass loomed far off, snowy and beautiful.

Aspens and the snowcapped front range in the distance.


Almost to Kenosha Pass

The miles came hard that day, my extra miles from the day before weighing my legs down. It took me most of the day to hike to Kenosha Pass, and I decided to rest there.

Later, I met the Dana and Eden there. They brought with them trail magic— in the form of bakery bread, cheese, and meat! What luxury! With a full stomach and happy heart, I fell asleep in the campground that night, wondering what Georgia Pass held in store for me tomorrow.

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Comments 1

  • Magan Reynolds : Jul 6th

    Stay strong JT! Love your pictures and descriptions. Sounds like all is going well so far. Take Care 🙏🏼


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