Pearisburg to 1/3 (Daleville)
What a beautiful week we’ve had here on trail. After the 2 rainy days early last week, we’ve seen no rain, and it’s been sunny and breezy. Perfect hiking weather.
Sad to say, but said my goodbyes to a couple of hiking buddies the other day as they pushed on and I stayed at Four Pines Hostel. Jaeger and Bittersweet were great hiking buddies and I can’t wait to see their pictures in the 2023 yearbook.
I finally saw my bear that I’ve been waiting patiently for. He was a small black bear but so incredible to see in his own environment.
Jaeger and I also walked up to a raven perched on Kelly knob. It was not startled in the least and we were able to get some good pics before it took off.
Continued to encounter deer near and even on trail. One morning I lifted my head and a deer was 5 yards in front of me. She just hopped off of the trail and stayed right there.
Came upon a 6′ black snake as it was crossing the trail as well.
The landscape, vistas and scenes continue to surprise and amaze me.
Saw the triple crown of Virginia over the last few days. They are well worth the hikes up to experience them.
I’ve hiked 1/3 of the AT and have loved it all, but it is time to go home and be with my bride again.
Some of you will get the reference but isn’t it appropriate that Doback finishes the trail in Daleville?
Not sure when I’ll return, but return I will to section hike more of this truly amazing trail.
The community of hikers, hostel owners and trail magic providers are an incredible bunch of people.
If you want somewhere where you are supported, encouraged, understood and loved, then leave your house and get out and hike the AT. You won’t regret it.
From the rain, the pain and all the sheer joy of seeing this beautiful country by walking has been an incredible journey, and one I will never forget.
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Comments 1
Way to go Dad! Welcome home!!