Sad Goodbye

Tears at the Laundromat

Day 26, 8 miles

As soon as we start walking the mosquitos are with us again. Head nets on and walk we do.

The trail is good, the terrain is nice but what we really like is the enclosed ski shelter several miles in. It’s cool inside and we’re safe from the assault. I take my sandals off, kill the ticks that are on my socks, and lay down on the bench of the picnic table. Stretching feels so good! I don’t want to leave this place!

But that’s not how it works so we head back out. I feel sad that Little Bird’s last day on the trail isn’t more fun. But at least we keep a good pace trying to outrun the bugs. And her friend is making good time on the road so we’ll have the afternoon in town!

We’re able to enjoy our last lunch at a picnic table next to a closed tavern on the side of the highway. Enough breeze and sunshine to keep our enemies at bay.

This area had lots of ATV activity with lots of dirt roads paralleling and crossing the trail. Several pull up at the tavern sad to see it closed.

We only have a little bit further to go through a recently clear-cut area. Then it’s time to wait for Little Bird’s friend, and we’re whisked away to Antigo.

Our first stop is the Dairy Queen for a blizzard and then we get to borrow the car to do errands. This includes going to the laundromat which is quite the experience. Several machines are out of order, some have trash in them. The laundry soap machine doesn’t work and the whole place looks icky. At least we have a car and can go to a store to get soap. The nice homeless people give us directions. I almost give up on the whole thing. But Little Bird is persistent and we get it done.

I don’t need too much food so do a quick resupply and then we head to the motel to relax.

The trail hasn’t been a whole lotta fun the past few days, but we’re both sad Little Bird is going to leave tomorrow.

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