Stories From The Trail Episode 8: Sir Packsalot’s 10 Golden Suggestions for Hiking the AT
Continuing coverage from the 2018 Appalachian Trail Kickoff!
Bob “Sir Packsalot” Gabrielson is the proprietor of Top of Georgia Hiking Center at mile 69 (NOBO) on the Appalachian Trail. Each year Packsalot shares his knowledge and experience at the AT Kickoff in the form of a motivational/educational talk called “The Ten Golden Suggestion for Hiking the Appalachian Trail“.
Sir Packsalot and Green Giant found some time after the show to hang out in a quiet room and just talk trail for a while.
As always, you can enjoy the show right here, OR find us at any of the following popular locations:
And one more very important thing, from me and Voldemort: THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! We are having so much fun making this show you have no idea. We couldn’t do it without you. Well, actually we could, but what would be the point of that?
And if you’re not already in our Facebook Group, you should be. Come join the fun.
Happy Trails!
Green Giant
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I'm Gary Sizer, a.k.a. Green Giant, backpacker, amateur astronomer and writer. I am the author of Where's the Next Shelter?, the story of my 2014 thru hike and all of the incredible people I met along the way.