book review
Book Review: Tales from the Trail – Stories from the Oldest Hiker Hostel on the Appalachian Trail
Most AT thru-hikers and even some sectional hikers have probably spent a night or two sleeping and showering at the Hiker Hostel of The Presbyterian Church of the Mountain in...
Book Review: Blazing Ahead
Blazing Ahead Jeffrey Ryan 396 pages Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 2017 Many aspiring thru-hikers from across the globe set foot to hike the Appalachian Trail each year. Since its completion
Review of Chris Bolgiano’s The Appalachian Forest
Bolgiano provided me not only with a refreshing review of Appalachia and its environmental concerns related to the forest but also abundant new information.
Book Review: Andrew Skurka’s Gear Guide: Second Edition
In a world where every budding long distance hiker has their own social media channel soliciting "expert" backpacking and gear advice, Andrew Skurka's Gear Guide presents expertly organized and credibly...
Book Review: “Freezer Bag Cooking: Trail Food Made Simple”
I think freezer bag dinners are a quick, easy, and inexpensive alternative to freeze-dried meals for any backpacking trip or trek lasting up to a week.
Review of “Backpacking with the Saints”
Anyone who considers himself or herself “spiritual” or “religious” will relish in the open mindedness of this work which offers enough meat to chew on to engage their heart and...
Benton MacKaye: Reviewing an Unconventional American Life
A review of Larry Anderson's biography "Benton MacKaye: Conservationist, Planner and Creator of the Appalachian Trail".
Book Review: Where’s the Next Shelter?
There were several times when reading Gary Sizer's Where's the Next Shelter? that I had to stop and put the book away for several days. This wasn't because I was bored or...
How To Walk: A Book Review
My reasons for hiking lean towards self-discovery, mindfulness, and meditation. Here's my review of a wonderful little book by Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.
Book Review: “Lost on the Appalachian Trail”
"Lost on the Appalachian Trail" is a self-published book by author Kyle Rohrig, a 2014 Northbound thru-hiker. Written closely after finishing the trail, Kyle's thoughts and feelings about his