female thru hiker
Wonderland Trail Thru-Hike Gear List
Gear List for Thru-Hiking the Wonderland Trail: These are my gear choices for the Wonderland Trail—a meticulously curated selection of gear from my closet of well-loved gear,
Saving the Best for Last – Colorado Trail Thru-HIke, Part 9
Moving further south along the Colorado Trail, our path during the last weeks took us higher by the day. The mountains we traversed were now well above 12,000 feet and...
The Florida Trail, Part 3: The Trail Provides
As I sit down to write this, I realize it's been over a month since my last update. Time flies! Apologies to anyone waiting with bated breath on a new...
“You’re Not Going By Yourself Are You?” Says Everyone to the Female Solo Thru-Hiker
As a gonna-be female solo thru-hiker, I get this question on a daily basis. My answer is the same every time; with a big grin, I confidently say, "YEP! I...
It’s the Final Countdown, and I’ve Never Felt Less Prepared
instagram: @MCZonthePCT I’ve been putting off writing this "preparation" post. I’m still actively putting it off as I sit here on my parents' couch, staring at the jagged remains of...
Accountability (re: Thru-Hiking and Blogging)
Sure, I’ve written before. I’ve spent sleepless nights writing until my anxiety-fueled adrenaline turns into mental and physical exhaustion. I have written to de-code all of the feelings. All of
5 Takeaways From My Summer On The AT.
5 Takeaways From My Summer On The AT.