
A Flip Flop on the PCT – Our Experience So Far

A Flip Flop on the PCT – Our Experience So Far

What is a Flip Flop? Thru-hikers generally decide on a direction to hike a trail based on several factors. Often, work or school can play a factor, but on the...

Sep 24, 2024 : Aidan
AT Mile 750: “What Am I Capable Of?” High Highs and Low Lows in Maine

AT Mile 750: “What Am I Capable Of?” High Highs and Low Lows in Maine

On Tuesday, I hit the AT at the road crossing of Maine highway 27 for my first southbound miles of the entire journey. My heart was full of positivity and...

Jun 22, 2019 : Phoebe "Unicorn" Anderson
Virginia Today, Maine Tomorrow: The Flip Flop

Virginia Today, Maine Tomorrow: The Flip Flop

Last week we hiked through the Grayson Highlands, then spent Memorial Day Weekend car camping there with our friends who live in Washington, DC. On Monday they drove us up...

Jun 6, 2019 : Phoebe "Unicorn" Anderson
To Shakedown or Not to Shakedown?

To Shakedown or Not to Shakedown?

That is the question. After a few thousand miles and numerous end-to-end thru hikes, you’d think the words “shakedown” wouldn’t be something I would use to describe an extended backpacking...

Dec 4, 2018 : Christopher Johnson
NOBO or Bust? Barefoot Weighs His Options

NOBO or Bust? Barefoot Weighs His Options

With the days dwindling down this season and inclement weather looming over New England, has Barefoot Hiker thought enough about his options to finish this year?

Jul 9, 2017 : Jeremy Gottschalk
What It Feels Like to Finish a Thru-Hike

What It Feels Like to Finish a Thru-Hike

The final days leading up to finishing a through-hike and returning to civilization are a confusing mix of anticipation, terror, pride, sadness and relief. Here is what you might experience...

May 24, 2017 : Janel Gazelle
Completely Normal Last Minute Preparations Prior To A Thru-Hike…Right?

Completely Normal Last Minute Preparations Prior To A Thru-Hike…Right?

I am writing this late at night on my laptop from my parents' Appalachian farm. My black lab snoozes at my feet and I can hear owls hooting in the...

Apr 20, 2017 : Ashley Hill
700 Miles: A Third Of The Way Q&A

700 Miles: A Third Of The Way Q&A

While the first hundred miles seemed to take a long time to hit, these last few series of hundred mile milestones seem to come upon me much quicker.

Jul 2, 2016 : Katina (Arachne) Daanen
500 Miles: Feet. Food. Mixed Feelings.

500 Miles: Feet. Food. Mixed Feelings.

Even during my difficult days, I have yet to consider quitting. But that's just me being stubborn. And driven. And by golly, if I can help it, there is no...

Jun 18, 2016 : Katina (Arachne) Daanen
400 Miles: Nasty, Filthy Rocks. We Hates Them.

400 Miles: Nasty, Filthy Rocks. We Hates Them.

Oh, Pennsylvania. All I know of ye is geology. The Pinnacle. The Pulpit. Knife Edge. Bake Oven Knob. Wolf Rocks. These are words that can instill fear your heart, if...

Jun 2, 2016 : Katina (Arachne) Daanen