Whatever it Takes
"Everyone has a book in them, and that, in most cases, is where it should stay." I have for many years, held an ambition to write and publish a book....
Guess who’s back?
It’s me, Janine; Sofa Queen, if you’ve met me on the trail. I’m back! Apparently I couldn’t stay away. Last year, I set out to complete a SOBO thru-hike of...
PCT Week 3: More Climbs, Even More Climbs, and a Marathon
Idyllwild, a Town with a Dog for a Mayor A nice zero to relax and plan for the next section is taken. We head into town to resupply and make...
Falling in Love on the Pacific Crest Trail
Sorry, it's been a long time since my last post. After 50 days on trail (March to April), I guess I have no idea what’s going on anymore. No kidding,...
Giggles’ Gear Modifications and Tips for a Thru-Hike That Starts Tomorrow or Is Still in Your Dreams
Everyone has their own way of doing things on a thru-hike, whether it is how they attach their umbrella to their pack, when they take a break for dinner, or...
The Truest Things about Hiking the PCT
I have been struggling with what to write after getting back from hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2017. Not for lack of things to say, but rather out of...
Snowpocalypse 2017 Skills
Saturday, I watched both the sunrise and the sunset. I woke up at 4am to begin my Fitted crampons with Vapor Barrier Socks (seemed a little thick, unlikely to use),...