The Trail Food Trifecta: Ramen, Mac & Cheese, & Idahoans
What’s so special about ramen? Mac & cheese? Idahoans? They looks so average. So boring. So…meh.
Well you’re wrong!
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Think again hiker trash!
These 3 foods may be inert when eaten solo. But when united, they form the all powerful, the all fueling trifecta of trail food.
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No, I’m not suggesting that you actually combine them into one dish. Gross. Yucky.
No. They must be consumed individually. In a rotating potluck bowl passing fanfare event.
Like this guy:
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Let me share with you the mystical secrets handed down from generation to generation of hungry hikers…
Here’s what you need: 1) One trio of hikertrash. 2) Three cookpots. And 3) the holy trinity of trail foods.
As Emeril would say: BAM!
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Ok here’s what you need to do. Get that high grade ramen. No top ramen bullshit here. Only the good stuff. The Nong Shim. Naw what I mean? Bling. Spicy. Yep. Yum.
Add that dried vegetable packet. That spice packet. All of it, no skimping. Cook it up soupy style. Sit back and relax.
Note: Acceptable ramen varieties are limited to: Nongshim Shin Noodle Ramyun Gourmet Spicy. Exclusively.
None of that powder crap. Please. What you need is the finest of the fine. The goopiest of the goop. The Annie’s Homegrown Creamy DELUXE macaroni dinner. Ok, ok, I know what you’re thinking – what about the extra water weight in my pack? That’s like 2 whole ounces! Trust me, it’s worth it.
Note: Shells & Real Aged Cheddar Sauce is the jam. Other varieties may be substituted in dire circumstances. If you wan to really class it up, add veggies, oil, and a block of Cabot Sharp Cheddar Cheese.
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Okay, here’s where the Idahoans come in. Think simple. Easy. CHIC AND SLEEK. No fanfare. Just boil the water. Add the powder dust of 1000 beautiful potatoes. Stir. Eat. A potatoey palate cleanser between spicy ramen and goopy mac. Magnifique!
Note: All Idahoan varieties are acceptable. Baby Reds. Butter & Herb. Buttery Homestyle. Hell go wild and get the Baby Reds with Roasted Garlic and Parmesan. Just don’t get the Honest Earth All Natural Crap. Not on my watch.
Sometimes they say three’s a crowd…not this time.
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Comments 2
I put in a heaping sporkfull on instant mash potatoes with cheese and bacon into everything I cook on the trail!
Mashed potatoes + cheese + bacon sounds like its own amazing trifecta of food goodness. Good eating George!