What’s Your Inspiration?
I feel like every once in a while people need motivation, something to pick them and get them going. This is especially true while long-distance hiking or solo-hiking. You might feel bogged down, like your goal is hopeless, or you may be too tired to keep trekking.
I want to share a quote that I carry in my backpack whenever I hike to remind me to appreciate what’s in front of me and to stay positive.
“Take to the woods on windy days. Its quieter there. Keep your ears open. You can always hear more birds than you can see. Keep your eyes open. There are flowers in bloom though most months of the year, and trees are as interesting even in early spring as they are in summer… Take the sun over your shoulder for the best views. Avoid slippery footing as you would the plague, and don’t sit on damp ground. Keep walking.” ~ John Kieran
What’s your inspiration? Is it a song? A picture? A person? Comment and let me know! .
Thanks, and happy hiking
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