You’re Going to Die
You’re going to die someday. Me too, probably. Maybe tomorrow morning at 4:30 a.m. while you dream of cupcakes. Maybe in 75 years while your family holds your old, wrinkly body and you’re wearing a diaper. Either way, the body you call yours and all those memories you hold so dear and everything you’ve ever known will cease to be. It’s quite poetic.
What are you doing, right now? Did you come here from Facebook or Twitter or some other click that took you through the mass clusterfuck of voices clawing at the attention bit – screaming to be heard, to be noticed, to have a little ego stroke for some transient bit of self worth? Good.
When you’re done reading this I want you to go do two things: 1) put down your computer or phone or whatever is distracting you from doing number 2. 2) go outside, damnit. Take off your shoes. Lay in the sun. Move. Rub your toes in the grass and the dirt and roll around in it. Close your eyes and breathe and think about how you’re the beautiful product of a gajillion years of evolutionary fine tuning and, as Mr. Tolle puts it, ” just the universe expressing itself as a human, for a little while.”
Now think about everything that has lead to this point. Everything you’ve ever done has brought you to my little article for a reason. You weren’t made to stare at screens or sit in chairs or smile at people you don’t give a fuck about. You were made to eat, move, and sleep. All the rest is a lucky byproduct. Those hands and that big brain and the voice – random selections after millions of options had been tried and failed. So you sitting there, you not doing anything, you thinking you’re special or you really matter aren’t real. Your core is just like every other beast on this planet.
So get up. Put on a backpack. Make sure it has some water and a little food in it. Make sure it has something to keep you dry. Make sure it has something to keep you warm at night and to rub on your poor little untrained feet when they’re itching and burning and telling you to stop. Make sure you’ve got some matches. And make sure you have something special no one else can take from you – your spirit. Because that’s what it’s all about and if you don’t have any of that stuff you’ll die out there.
But, then again, you’re going to die anyways.
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