2024-04-11 Day 0 to the Camino

Day Zero

Finally traveling. The Four Pengionos traveled from MA, CO and DE to Santiago de Compostela. I, Tercius was the last to arrive. Percius traveled 5,700 miles with many stops in different countries.


I managed to get to Madrid, and then Santiago. I wandered around like a lost Penginos, when I saw a taxi driver in a big van (for Spain) I yelled out Rutkowski, and he turned around. The flight was a bit early, even though they had announced a 50 minute gate hold, that turned into 50 minutes.

The Madrid airport was quite beautiful, but I added a KM or two in the journey from gate to customs, and then a underground train to the domestic terminal, before I found a somewhat normal  terminal, but they don’t announce the gate number until 30 minutes before boarding. Everyone site around and then a mad dash to the gate number which is another .5 KM away.

But the taxi driver was on Mr. Toads Wild Ride to downtown Santiago, where the three other Penginos were waiting so we beat the 15 minute limit on  pickup.

90 minutes later we were in Oia staying at very nicely restored family house. Much seafood was consumed at lunch, a nap from 5 to 7:30 and then dinner watching the sun go down. In bed to finish the jet lag recovery.

Day Zero.1

After a late breakfast we wandered south to work out the kinks of the 5+ hour flights. A bit of road walking and a return through paths and gravel. We met walkers from the Netherlands, Australia. Trail families are true in the EU, or maybe it’s just the Yanks forming one.


Another sunset meal and then to bed at hiker midnight.

  Tomorrow is the true start.


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