Craig Tsao

I'm a self proclaimed unprofessional life coach. Let's keep this simple. I'm born and raised in New Jersey. The highlight of my time there was spending 1 month in Special Ed during elementary school. I moved to San Diego when I was 14. I'm fairly convinced that at least 100,000 thousand virgins were sacrificed to the San Diego weather gods. I'm trying to run away from this Satanic solar panel of a city that always has 69 degree weather of pure sunshine.I did go to college at University of California Riverside and got a BS in Business Administration. But what do you care? This blog is about the Appalachian Trail. That trail that stretches ~2,100 miles from Georgia to Maine. Witness my incognito inner hippy come out, read my nowhere stories, and be inspired by my terrible life advice. By terrible, I mean excellent. For example, my adventure on the Appalachian Trail will be one hell of a terrible experience. It will be totally titties.Tag along on my journey to see the trail from the mind of a "special" guy with mild outdoor experience. This will be interesting, I promise you that. I don't make detailed plans, have any sacred vows to keep, or have anywhere I need to be. I've put aside 6 months of my life for an open experience with one simple objective: follow the white blazes. If I start chasing a plastic bag and get lost, please


A Peak into Affirm’s Appalachian Trail Journal

A Peak into Affirm’s Appalachian Trail Journal

So it’s official. I solo hiked from Springer to Katahdin (which I am petitioning to rename K-titty). I started on April 3, 2014 and finished on

Oct 19, 2014 : Craig Tsao
Tips, Tricks & Tall Tales – 42 days in

Tips, Tricks & Tall Tales – 42 days in

I almost dropped off the grid. At this rate I will write approximately every other month when on the trail. I've got a lot of updating to do on my

May 16, 2014 : Craig Tsao
A hipster Californian and his supplements

A hipster Californian and his supplements

Keeping an eye on your nutrition is worth your thru hiking while. Food is your first measure for medicine. The fundamental principle being you won't

Mar 25, 2014 : Craig Tsao
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours (gear list!)

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours (gear list!)

In college I worked a gig as an outdoor trip leader. That does not make me a professional nor does it mean I have a lot of expertise/knowledge. What

Mar 19, 2014 : Craig Tsao
The Insanity Plea

The Insanity Plea

Socrates — 'He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a

Mar 14, 2014 : Craig Tsao
Financing a Thru Hike (a proactively lazy way)

Financing a Thru Hike (a proactively lazy way)

The anti-procrastination lazy effect: do the bare minimum now so you don't have to do much later.If you're like me, you've been saving up money

Mar 13, 2014 : Craig Tsao
The Paradigm Shift

The Paradigm Shift

I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go

Mar 4, 2014 : Craig Tsao
My 2014 NOBO Appalachan Trail Manifesto

My 2014 NOBO Appalachan Trail Manifesto

Hello! I'm a last minute addition to the class of 2014 Appalachian Trial bloggers.It was not until January of this year that I realized that I

Mar 4, 2014 : Craig Tsao