Hey all! I'm Sidewinder. I'm hiking obsessed (really would be in the wrong place here if I weren't) and I'm happy with both day hikes and backpacking trips alike. I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2019 (love of my life) and have also been fortunate enough to hike and backpack all around the country and a few other countries too. I'm New England based so next up for me is the other National Scenic Trail that goes through my home state: The New England Trail!
Dun Dun Duuunn! Did She Slackpack?
I'm still chipping away at The NET, albeit a little slowly. I left for a big trip to Montana and Alberta, Canada. Where I, of course, found the CDT
Re-Routes, Road Walks, and Wildfire Problems
What would a long-distance hike be without unexpected kinks in the plan? Getting Back to Trail After my first stretch of the trail, I popped off
First Day and Already Saw a Bear
I'm finally backpacking and it's amazing. I am seriously flying high. My loved ones are lucky that I have two cats that I'm obsessed with, otherwise
Trail Kryptonite
I successfully thru-hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, but less than a mile into the New England Trail and I already failed. Just goes to show ya I
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: What’s Different on This Hike
There is obviously a heck of a lot that's different taking on this hike than the Appalachian Trail: gear preferences, experience, mentality,
Sidewinder’s Back!
I'm back! How different it feels! I don't know where to start! How many exclamatory sentences should I use!? In 2019 I thru-hiked the Appalachian
How to Finish the Appalachian Trail in 12 Easy Steps
Step 1: Pull a Muscle and Hike 464.8 Miles with Said Injury Definitely get an injury. The Appalachian Trail is easy-peasy so you definitely need to
Kristen’s Before-and-After Appalachian Trail Gear
Backpacking gear can be overwhelming. There seem to be countless options for everything from your major items to smaller necessities. I guess I'm an
From AT to Aliens – How I’m Coping Being off Trail
One of the thru-hiking side effects is that you fall behind on current events. Apparently we're storming Area 51. Here my friends are all worried
Tackling the Whites… Solo!
As I wrote about in my last post, I'd injured myself and have been required to take some recovery time, but I made it most of the way through the