I'm a 24 year old creative, long distance hiker and photographer. In 2016 I thru hiked the AT. In 2017 I completed 1.7k miles on the CDT and the Long Trail in Vermont, making for an epic hiking season. I regularly blog on my personal site and here at the Trek. I write, shoot, and all that good stuff in the off season. April is just around the corner...
2017 CDT Ultralight Gear List (With Camera)
2017 CDT Gear List Last year on my AT thru hike, I became aware of quite a few tweaks that I wanted to make to my gear set up. After walking 2189.1
A Collection of Post-Thru-Hike Thoughts
I've tried to sit down and write this blog post at least five to six times at this point, but for some reason, I've had trouble linking together my
1,000 Miles Later
Well, it's been awhile guys. It's been almost 1,000 miles since I've updated. Out here on the trail, time does not exist. Time is a measure of miles
How Can It Possibly Get Better?
The night before I hiked out of the NOC, I had the pleasure of hanging out with a couple of AT thru hiker alumni, Napolean and Goliath. We enjoyed a
The Days Are Getting Longer
(I wrote this two days ago.) As I am writing this, I'm sitting in my tent after a 15 mile day from Ice Spring Shelter to Jerry Cabin Shelter, a
A Few Steps Closer
Any thru hiker that started around the 10th-13th or so of March this year knows very well that the weather has been unseasonably warm, and
Only 2119.5 more to go…
First Update I'm seven days in and I couldn't be more ready to keep hiking. I'm sitting here at Top of Georgia Hostel right outside of Hiawasee,
Reality is setting in…
Right at this very moment, I'm on my way to Georgia. As a lot of you know, and for those of you who don't, I'll be starting my thru hike tomorrow
Anticipation Anxiety
21 DAYS For those of who you who don't know me, which will be most of you, I'd like to introduce myself and I guess where I'm at more or less