Tried a NOBO hike in March 2014 and did 110 miles before deciding it wasn't for me. Learned a lot in the process, and excited to complete a section hike one day. When not hiking, I Iike writing fiction and am hoping to get a novel published in the fall. Daughter of HikerMom.
A Year’s Reflection
A year ago, I waved at my dad with my hiking pole in the pouring rain, setting off on the Appalachian Trail in Georgia. My 6-month adventure had
Meet 74-Year Old “Drag’n Fly”: Oldest Female Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker
Badass. There is no other way to describe a 74 year-old who thru hikes the Appalachian Trail. "For me the fun is in the camping and the camaraderie
Life After the Appalachian Trail is What You Make of It
I left the Appalachian Trail over two months ago. And I’m here to tell the 70% of you who will join me: it does not suck. On the contrary, life’s
Meet Drew Burnett: The Former Pastor Attempting to Break the Appalachian Trail Speed Record
This June, Drew Burnett will attempt to beat the current speed-record on the Appalachian Trail. With a slight catch: like the man upstairs, he shall
A Different Adventure
Well I suppose this is my last AT entry. I’ve decided to leave the Trail. It was hardly an easy decision, but it is made and I am happy with it.
Checkmate, Georgia
And my first 100 miles. I did it! One state down. For the record, it downpoured when I started Georgia, and it downpoured when I left it. Go figure.
Last night in previous hostel: I am reading a lot of the beautiful well-wishes from lots of people - some I haven't heard from in years - and in
Hostels are Magic – I’ll keep going
Hostels are truly magical places. I'd heard that before. But you really have to experience it to understand it. I still cried a lot - I'm
Tough Decisions
After a rocky start, I am on the Trail. Well, kind of. Right now, day 3, I'm at a hostel getting warm and dry. It has been unending rain here, and
Last Week
The last week has been a whirlwind. I got a lot done, but was not very active - either way, 8-10 miles a day to start is gonna kick my butt. I was