Congrats to These 2018 Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hikers! (Week of Aug. 19)
The first of the PCT northbounders are ending their trek to Canada! In true PCT fashion, fire closures have made things interesting and stopped some of this weeks hikers at Harts Pass. Regardless, a huge round of applause for all these brand-spanking-new thru-hikers!
Whether you’re going northbound, southbound, or flip-flopping, we want to feature the photo of you crossing the finish line! This week contains photos submitted by hikers who have finished by Aug. 26.
Want to be included? Send your finish photo, trail name, and finish date to [email protected].
Trail Name: Calculus
Finish Date: Aug. 7, 2018
Tail Name: Sugar
Finish Date: Aug. 17, 2018
Trail Name: Two Speed
Finish Date: Aug. 15, 2018
Trail Name: Racerx
Finish Date: Aug. 11, 2018
Name: Michael
Name: Agustin
Finish Date: Aug. 11, 2018
Trail Name: Fruit Salad
Finish Date: Aug. 17, 2018
“Why carry a stove and pot, when you can hike with a Gnome instead?”
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