Jackrabbit Hikes: PCT Day 24-26
Day 24 – 0 day in Los Angeles
First day spent totally away from trail while on this thru-hike. It happens sometimes whether voluntarily or not but I knew I was coming back. But more importantly, I was so damn stoked.
My friend Matt B from Arkansas was going to pick me up in Wrightwood and take me to LA to chill for the day. He moved to LA shortly after college and I had only seen him once over the last few years.
It was a glorious reunion.
He showed up to the Airbnb we were piled in and I gave him a massive bear hug. It’s a crazy feeling seeing someone you know in “normal” life on a long hike. Everyone you’ve talked to on your thru-hike calls you something else; you become that something else.
I’m Jackrabbit. I’ve been Jackrabbit for almost half of the last 12 months. But to him I’m still Chap. The more time passes, the more I feel that line start to blur.
We spent the early afternoon sight-seeing in LA and catching up as we got caught in traffic. We hit Griffith Observatory and gazed out at the sprawling city. There is block after block of buildings as far as the eye can see. I picked up an overpriced from a fruit cup from a street vendor as we sauntered around town. Cozy.
It was so good to see an old friend, especially Matt. He’s one of the most authentic people I’ve ever met and it was humbling to see him in his environment. He took me to some dope spots including a tap room and a small Greek place. Lamb gyro with fresh fries inside? AND fresh pita and hummus? C’mon now.
Sometimes there’s environments that each of us are better suited for and that we can thrive in. We just have to go find them. I think Matt found his and I’m starting to think I’ve found mine.
Day 25 – Inspiration Point (mi 369.3) to Lil Jimmy’s Campground (mi 383.9)
Great to be back on trail. Cool weather and a huge climb ahead. I couldn’t be more excited. I need a good climb to kick my ass a little. Good for the soul.
I watched a bird bathe in the only water source heading up Baden-Powell. He took off anytime I did anything more observe with just my eyes, but he returned a few times.
I also left my puffy at that creek because of that bird. Thats the cost of good entertainment I suppose. But a legend named Sniffles caught up at camp and delivered it to me. I paid him in the most valuable thing I have out here, food. You don’t carry my weight for me and not be rewarded.
The climb up Baden-Powell was by far the hardest yet and also the funnest. The trail was all but lost due to a recent snow so the way up was STRAIGHT up. Super steep. I still don’t have spikes or an ice axe but what I do have is a lot of excitement and a full day’s rest. I hauled ass up that mountain
I caught up to Chef, Speaker, High Life and a few others up top. I ran around the circle and dapped everyone and gave a nice heel click. Those big climbs fill me with energy if you spread them out enough. I was high on life at the summit of Baden Powell and we enjoyed the 360 views around us.
Day 26 – Lil Jimmy’s Campground (mi 383.9) to Tent Site (mi 404.2)
20 mi. A few climbs. A few descents. No trail magic. Average water. The quintessential thruhiking day.
I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m happy. After a few days off, my ass is kicked. I’m so happy to be looking forward to an RV park coming up.
Life is simple when an RV park is the highlight of your week.
Since summiting Baden-Powell we’ve been walking along the ridges of the San Gabriels. The mountainside is covered in old cedars, oaks, and pines. Massive trees that tower over all other vegetation. They show their wear in the form of massive burn scars and huge gashes. But still they remain.
Our site is packed with hikers and we’re all pressed into the saddle on a small ridge. A hiker is playing the ukulele softly as everyone is climbing into their bags. I even tried my first brick of Spam tonight. It sucked ass but a good amount of calories.
Spam’s flavor is something else, very strong and obnoxious. If Spam showed up at a house party Spam would immediately shotgun a beer and punch someone in the face.
I’m too tired to talk about the rest of the day but the San Gabriels are amazing. My legs are nice and spent at the end of the day.
A good warmup for the Sierra’s.
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