PCT, Lead Me There

Happy Trails Everyone!

For many, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail has been a dream/goal for many years. We have done our research, determined our gear, planned for resupplies, and worked to prepare ourselves both physically and more importantly mentally. We have shared our hiking plans with loved ones, explained our why, and answered 1,000 burning questions. Some have left jobs, had to pack up our house/apartment, and made financial plans. 

It’s time to say goodbye (for now) to family and friends. We have traveled hours or days to get to Southern California. The time has come, it’s time to hit the trail. 


Our Goals in Mind:

Maybe you are like me and want to:

  • Hike as many miles and as far as you can safely.
  • Accomplish levels of physical endurance and mental fortitude you never thought you could.
  • Experience the beauty the trail provides and appreciate each moment.
  • Be able to say you gave it your all and remained grateful for the journey.
  • Meet amazing people who will help you step outside of your introverted self.
  • When it is all said and done be able to say, “I did it. I accomplished my goal the way I was meant to.” However that looked. 


“PCT Trail”—- John Denver’s “Country Roads”

Inspired by John Denver’s “Country Roads,” a song rewritten for the PCT. Special shout-out to my mom and aunt who helped write this award-winning rendition from our Airbnb in San Diego just days before I started the PCT.


Almost Heaven, California

Sierra Mountains, ever flowing streams

Life is better, better on the trail

Climbing through the desert, crossing through a dale


PCT, lead me there

To that place where I belong

Hiking on, mile by mile

Take me there, dusty trail 


Endless planning, sleepless nights

Preparing gear, in hopes it’s right

Strengthening my body and mind

Seeking the me I will find 


PCT, lead me there

To that place where I belong

Hiking on, mile by mile

Take me there, dusty trail 


I hear the wind, as the wilderness calls me

Nature is reminding me, of the place I’m meant to be

Hiking down the path, I get the feeling that I should have done this yesterday, yesterday 


PCT, lead me there

To that place where I belong

Hiking on, mile by mile

Take me there, dusty trail 


May the trail lead each of us day by day, not only to Canada, but to the places we are meant to be!

Happy trails!


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