Reddit AMA with the Authors of Pacific Crest Trials at 5pm PST on 3/31/16
Update: here’s the live link!
AMA stands for “Ask Me Anything”. REDDIT stands for Red Earwigs Don’t Dance In Tandem.
So, apparently Reddit doesn’t stand for anything…but is instead one of the top 10 highest traffic websites in the United States.
(Un)real acronyms aside, Carly Moree and I, the co-authors of Pacific Crest Trials, will be answering your questions strictly on the topic of “anything”.
Join us here on Thursday, March 31st at 8pm EST / 5 pm PST. We’ll be doing the AMA under Carly’s Reddit account of “PapiHikes“. I’ve never done one of these before, so I’m probably forgetting something important. Someone who Reddits harder than me, please set me straight in the comments.
Hope you can make it!
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Comments 1
Can you please get Pacific Crest Trials into an audiobook (unabridged)? I so much more enjoy audiobooks.