Training for the PCT in the Ecuadorian Andes at 8-12,000 feet

After securing my thru-hiking permit for the PCT 2024 season, things really got real! I now fill my days with lots of equipment research, Facebook group advice, inspirational podcasts, and especially exercise. But here, in a small town in the Ecuadorian Andes, I have to get creative about my routine.

Minimalist Workouts

What kinds of workouts can you do with only a chair, a stool, a large water bottle, and a kid’s rubber play mat? A lot, I learned. Step-ups, squats, and heal raises with arms and ab-work too! Then I found some tires to pull and gas tanks to deadlift and carry. I’m getting a full workout every day!

But the real benefit of living in the mountains is the cardio workout! Since hiking is not really part of the culture here in Ecuador, there’s only three or four trails (mostly straight up the mountain) to choose from. But the views are great at 8-12,000 feet and my speed is increasing to get to the top! 

Hiking the rim of Laguna Cuicocha which climbs to 11,400 feet.


Snow-capped Cayambe towers in the distance as I climb up through the paramo, the Andes high-elevation grasslands.


Laguna Cubilche nestled into the summit at 12,600 feet


I’m so lucky to have lived in Ecuador to experience all of this beauty!

Training in one world and dreaming of another… PCT, here I come!

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