Flip Flopping
601 Miles of Lessons For a Harpers Ferry Northbound Flip Flopper
I started my Appalachian Trail adventure from Harpers Ferry on May 13, 2022. It is July 7, 2022 and I am 600 miles more educated as I sit reminding myself...
A day on the Appalachian Trail
The best mornings are when I wake up in my tent after a night without my rain fly. I can see birds fly in the canopied trees above my sleeping...
Above and Below The Mason-Dixon Line
After now hiking 1800 miles in total, I've noticed a few differences between starting almost midway versus starting at the southern terminus in Georgia.
What It Feels Like to Finish a Thru-Hike
The final days leading up to finishing a through-hike and returning to civilization are a confusing mix of anticipation, terror, pride, sadness and relief. Here is what you might experience...
My Scariest Moment on the Appalachian Trail
A harrowing tale of getting caught alone in a midnight thunderstorm while camping on the exposed summit of Cheoah Bald, just south of the Smokies.
Unconventional Wisdom: Is a Flip-Flop Hike Right For You?
Unconventional Is My Middle Name For a long time, I’ve been convinced that the only way to hike the AT is to start on Springer Mountain and end on Katahdin. I...
200 Miles: Hair. Hostels. Fellow Flip Floppers.
Either my hair stylist (and I use that job title in the loosest possible sense when it comes to my coif) cut my hair in such a way that my...
Bronchitis. Bear. Shenandoah Burning: The First Flipping 100 Miles
A flip flop beginning at this point, at this time, has given me a time to hang out a little longer with my husband, get my trail legs and enjoy...
Alternative Thru-Hikes on the Appalachian Trail
Tired of rush hour traffic? Tired of standing in line for everything. Did Black Friday crowds get you down? Planning an escape to the Appalachian Trail to get away from...
10 Reasons You’ll Love a Flip Flop Thru Hike
Flip-flopping was an amazing strategy for my Appalachian Trail hike. Here's why it's a great option.