9 Things I Learned from My NOBO JMT Thru-Hike
I've been off trail for nearly a week, yet the natural high of pushing my body past its perceived limits and comfort zones still lingers. It's a difficult feeling to...
A day on the Appalachian Trail
The best mornings are when I wake up in my tent after a night without my rain fly. I can see birds fly in the canopied trees above my sleeping...
Well, I’m Not Dead Yet
Barefoot Hiker, AKA The Last NOBO, here with another update. New York and the Renaissance FestivalA week ago, I was able to spend some time in an outlying suburb of...
Let me introduce myself.
Appalachian Trials Introduction I would like to take this time to introduce myself to the Appalachian Trials audience. My name is Oliver Hudgins (Trail Name: TBD) and I am setting...
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