The One Where My ECT Adventure Began
Date : 12/30/23
Location : Home 🏡
Today was a reprise of the military’s favorite travel game — Hurry Up! … then Wait.
As I’ve done nearly every day since forever, I emptied my pack, evaluated every little thing, then repacked (almost) everything. Again.
Amanda has been exceedingly tolerant of my packing, unpacking, and repacking obsession — and the piles of gear, clothing, and miscellaneous clutter festooned messily on to our living room furniture, dining table, the floor, washer, dryer, kitchen counters, um … etc. It was literally everywhere. Not putting a size 7 Tieks up my ass was the truest possible affirmation of her love.
Eventually, 1600 ET rolled around and I could stand it no longer. We left home, bound for BWI’s Amtrak station. Amanda saw me off. Took a few pics. And left me to my destiny.
Location : Baltimore’s BWI Amtrak Station
Amtrak’s Northeast Regional #161 arrived a few minutes before 1700 ET and departed promptly at 1703.
Now, I wait in Washington DC’s Amtrak station for Silver Meteor #97’s Gate/Track information to update.
Guessing I should pay attention to the board. Missing the boarding call would be a real inconvenience.
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