The One With Bacon
Date : 12/31/23
Location : Jacksonville, FL
Although the Roomette’s bed was comfy — likely the best mattress I’ll encounter for several months, I didn’t sleep much last night. Perhaps it was night-before-an-early-morning-flight nerves or too much coffee earlier in the day.
So, as I lay in the top bunk looking out the narrow, body length-long window, I watched the stars move left-to-right along the window … and eventually out of sight. Orion was the prominent visible constellation. Really hope it goes supernova in my lifetime. That’d be cool.
At some point, I dozed off and later awoke as we coasted into the Jacksonville, FL Amtrak station.
Not wanting to miss my complementary breakfast 🥞🍳🥓, I jumped spritely from the top bunk. My knees protested. They’ll want to discuss this egregious insult later. Oy.
Breakfast is served.
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Comments 2
Huzzah, and so it begins!
This is about the time I ask myself, “What was I thinking?!“. 🤔