The Sinkyone Wilderness is impassable in the south!!! Now what??? San Francisco Baby!!!

Sinkyone impassable!!! Now what???

After hiking the lost coast trail, which is incredible, I was going to hike the Sinkyone. It is said to be comparable to hiking the Grand Canyon, meaning the elevation ascending and descending. When I was hiking the Lost, I met a man named Benjamin. He had been hiking for three years. He hiked from Georgia to California and up to Washington and Oregon. He told me that he had just tried to come up the Sinkyone from the South and he said there was too much brush and could not be hiked. I later read the article above and found this to be true. I am so lucky I met Benjamin. Now what?

What are my options?

I was at the end of my Lost hike and I had to think fast as I had no way down the mountain. I went to the Lost parking lot and saw some hikers that were waiting for a Van to take them to the start of the Lost. When the van driver arrived, I asked if there was a way he could take me down the mountain to Garberville. He said he could not take me all the way but relatively close. I jump in and with the other hikers. I did some further research and found no rental cars, there may have been a grey hound stop, but it did not go where I wanted to go. However, there was a uhaul store. Yea!!! I got a truck to drive to Fort Braggs.

Driving to Fort Braggs  ahhhh!!! No shoulders on highway 1!!!

As I was driving to Fort Braggs, I could clearly see that there were no shoulders to walk on. It was basically the white line. I made a judgement call that I did not want to walk on that part of the 1. I called uhaul and asked if I could turn the truck in at San Francisco they said yes and it would only be $23 more.

San Francisco here I come!!!

I’m not going to lie, driving that uhaul on the 1 through all those towns was both breathtaking and one of the scariest drives I have ever driven. There is no shoulder and so many cliffs. Scary!!! Once I got to the Golden Gate bridge I parked and walked halfway across. That was fun!!! I really did want to walk all the way across, but I had to go turn in the Uhaul truck!!!

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Comments 4

  • Esperanza Avina : Jun 24th

    Keep it up, buddy! You’re doing so well! We miss you, but I love reading your updates and seeing that part of the state through your pictures.

    • Seashell : Jun 24th

      This has been an amazing adventure. Never a dull moment!!! How is the weight lifting going?

  • Carly Mahoney : Jun 24th

    You are incredible! What an extraordinary adventure. I love reading your posts and seeing all your pictures. Miss you!

    • Seashell : Jun 24th

      Hey Mahoney, I am having the time of my life!!! How are you doing?
      Miss ya!!!


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