Pox & Puss Episode #45: Rivers and Stuff
Rivers, am I right gang?
We’ve all gotta cross them sometime in our life, but knowing when and HOW to cross them can be difficult.
If you’re tuning in to our podcast hoping you can find some advice….you’re in the wrong place, pal.
This episode we talk about things that can go wrong when you’re around water in the backcountry.
We talk with Julieann who was almost swept away by a river while she was training for her 2015 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike.
Puss In Boots returns to the co-host chair after a few weeks away from the microphone.
Pox gets a puppy.
An old friend of ours volunteers to eat one of the most vile things you can buy in South Korea: The KFC Double Down Burger!
Do you have a great story about your adventure on the Appalachian Trail? Leave us a message at 828-394-4626 so we can talk about it on the podcast!
Sign up at the Thru-Hiker Registry.
Get the conversation going on the comments section of this episode.
Thanks everyone!
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