5 Hopes & 5 fears About My 2015 Thru-hike
I’ve gotten quite a few questions about my upcoming thru-hike, many of which are par for the course when sharing such plans with friends and family. You know ’em and love ’em: Guns? Knives? Bears? Water? And of course, hiker stank? Many people are supportive and excited, others not so much. Depending on who starts the conversation dictates which set of questions a future thru-hiker will field. From these conversations, I’ve compiled my Top 5 list of Hopes and Fears in anticipation of my great adventure on the Appalachian Trail. We start with fear, because one must always end with hope.
Top 5 Fears about the AT:
- A doctor will deny me the ability to get back on trail after a severe illness or injury—No other reason will prevent me from reaching Katahdin.
- Pooping on my own shoes. This is high on the list because it’s a very real possibility.
- Tripping & Falling. It will happen, just ideally not when it could be a real problem.
- Snow & Rain. I understand I will be wet and cold—it’s a part of trail life. Yet actually being outside in the rain or snow all day/night for two straight weeks… I’ve never done anything close to that.
- Bugs. When walking 10-plus miles a day is accompanied by swarms of bugs in your eyes, ears, mouth, and clothing, one’s reason for doing such a thing better have some meaning to it.
Top 5 Hopes about the AT:
- I hope to learn more about who I am, and who I want to be in this life. What better way than the oldest mountain range in the world?
- I hope to meet new and interesting people, and maybe even restore my faith in humanity a bit as well.
- I hope to embrace the experience in its entirety, the good and bad. To find a way to manage the days that test my will, along with the drive to reach the ones that fill my soul.
- I hope to reconnect with nature. I hope to see it all, including all the wildlife. “Of course I want to see a bear!” I want to watch the sun rise and set, but every day for a week. I want to ford streams, climb mountains, and grow a beard past the socially acceptable level. I want it all. You’ve just got to love the great outdoors.
- I hope to never poop on my own shoes.
“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” – John Muir
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Comments 4
POOPING….Try to find a downed tree or log that you can hang your butt over. Works for me and I’m over 60ty and not too flexible.
Wise wise words:)
Your fears: Reasonable and likely on all of our lists, more or less. Your hopes: Eloquent, soulful, and hopefully 5 things we all find on the trail – and in life!
Thanks so very much, I appreciate that!