A Glimpse Into The Mind Of A Future Thru-hiker
I have always been amazed by the cultural melting pot of people that are drawn to the AT. There is nothing that I love more than meeting all the new and interesting people, all from different walks of life. Despite all of our materialistic differences, we are all drawn by the same mysterious force, “The call of the wild.” It is now six months before my first NOBO thru-hike. This article is to give you some insight as to who I am, and what kind of thought processes I have going on in my head, as a prospective thru-hiker.
“WHY in the world would ANYBODY want to do that?”
Whenever I talk about hiking a couple of thousand miles, my friends are like… “Why in the world would anybody want to do that?” (Probably because I have no adventurous friends. Lol… just kidding guys!) I happen to have more good reason to hike the trail, than most people. Many who hike the AT, actually have little/no idea why they are doing it, “It’s just something they want to do.” Others like me, have so much love for the great outdoors, they actually wish to make a career out of it.
My Reasons For Hiking
A Stepping Stone…
Hiking the AT is the first step in my 10yr plan to summit Everest. Next comes the PCT and CDT of course… by then I’m hoping to have enough experience to move onto more technical climbs! This is why you all should follow my story. “This fun train… ain’t stopping in Maine.”
My Dream Job…
TABLES? Who the hell wants to wait tables? I want to be that guy who gets paid, “Just for being awesome.” I need a job title like… “Mountain Guide” or “Adventure Blogger”! I’m tired of settling for less. I don’t want to be “normal.” I’m better than that.
No Baggage…
I don’t have any ties holding me back! I have no kids… no wife… I’m Freeeeeee! I greatly value my freedom. In society I feel like I am stripped of those freedoms. Freedom to do as I please, when I please, is one of the major things that draws me to the AT.
A Spiritual Journey Into Manhood…
I have some native american blood in me. I feel like completing this hike (walk about) will better prepare me for life. It will reassure me that, no matter what happens, I have the tools and ingenuity to make it work out. I need to find my spirit animal. God I hope it’s a unicorn!
The Trail Family…
The people you meet are just epic! The friendships and bonds made along the way will last a lifetime! This is especially important to me, considering I am trying to grow an online presence in the hiking community. (to expand my likely-hood of finding an adventure related job) If I’m super lucky… I might even find a super cute, adventurous, hippy chick who wants to travel with me.
What I am Doing To Prepare
Saving Every Penny…
I’m going to be one of the poorer hikers on the trail… I’m hoping to leave with only $3,000. Although, I do have an interesting idea to make more money on the trail. (Top Secret for now)
Breaking Hearts…
Sorry Ladies. It’s not you, its me… I’m just very busy trying to follow my dreams right now. If you don’t share a similar interest for travel, and see yourself being my “Partner in crime” , you need not apply.
NO WAY!!!! I hate plans! They limit my freedom! These are my plans…
1)Save Money
2) Dont Knock Anyone Up
3) Leave in March
4)Get to Damascus for Trail Days
5) Wake Up Every Morning And Piss Awesomeness!
6) Visit As Many Friends And Family As Possible Along The Way
7) Summit Katahdin
(In That Order)
I’m sure this article will fail to really “help” anybody… But it was fun practice. I can’t wait to see you all out on the trail! Don’t worry, much better articles will come in the near future! Be sure to follow me on FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc…
Happy Trails!
Jordan Aichholz AKA Vermont
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