Advise from Momma Bear sinks in
Day 40
Standing Bear Hostel to Groundhog Creek Shelter 7.4 miles – AT mile 249.0
Card of the day – XX Judgment.
This morning over a let’s say interesting breakfast I sat on the cabin porch watching two cats chase each other around. The young grey and white wanted to play with the big ginger Tom who was having none of it.
Underhill today made the profound statement that his clothes smell a little like him, a little like fabric detergent and a little like mildew. It’s uncanny just how correct this is. I actually can’t wait to get to Hot Springs and do actual laundry, not that any thing will stay all that clean for all that long.
As we were getting ready to leave one of the staff were just taking the goats for a walk, as you do. I seem to remember when we had some at work that the hard road surface is good for their feet.
Any way, we were out by 11, having broken out from the vortex of Standing Bear. It’s a unique place for sure.
I’d been warned about this up coming hill by Tie-dye Goat. It was 2.2 miles of hell and still 2.6 to go to the top of Snowbird Peak.
There was absolutely no point washing my shirt in the shower last night, as half way up at the water source it was soaked through.
It’s about 21 degrees and humid.
At the water source I bumped into Momma Bear again. The previous evening she had given me some sound advise and after thanking her for it she gave some more. Essentially enjoy the journey and it’s ok for goals to change as you go. Whilst this is nothing new, hearing it from a fresh face was just what I needed (and as of this evening I need to hike an average of 14.64 miles per day to finish before my flight home).
Any way, it was midday so we chilled at the water source for an hour. The water was so cold and it was a delight to dip my head under a waterfall.
The trail to the top of Snowbird Peak was so hard, even Beam said it was a tough one, she was speaking her truth! It sucked. Beam never complains so you know it must be tough.
I got to the shelter by 3.30! I was wiped out. This day kicked my ass. Whilst I could have carried on and wild camped some where it’s nice to have the “amenities” of the shelter, ie. a privy and a fire ring.
Any how, I got a fire lit to get rid of the bugs and was thinking about dinner. Following that I was in tent by 6.45 listening to a few podcasts before drifting off to sleep. I like this campsite, it’s flat!
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