And They’re Off!
One week into the new year and we have at least 3 northbound thru hikers on their way to Mt. Katahdin according to the register at Amicalola Falls State Park. While I don’t know anything about these three hikers, somehow my spirit is already connected to theirs and the bonding that comes through shared experiences has me thinking of these faceless and nameless persons.
As we each await our turn to jump out of the starting gates, the nervous energy builds and we become more and more restless. The preparations are complete or nearing their end. Final little touches are being placed on gear and we continue our conditioning. We warm up while waiting for our turn. Soon, very soon, we will be funneled into the stalls on top of Springer or Katahdin from all over this country and beyond and we will be looking at the track laid before us. The bell will ring, the gate will open and our race will begin.
Good luck to all the Class of 2013! May you wear the roses of victory!
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