Appalachian Trail FKT

Preparations for a 2024 AT FKT speed record are underway! First and foremost i would like to acknowledge that this effort would not be possible without the monumental accomplishments of the FKT record holders both past and present!
The first time i stepped onto the Appalachian Trail i knew it would be something that would forever interest me. The thought of hiking across multiple states with all of your belongings on your back was both fascinating and a bit confusing to me. I jumped right in! Next thing i know im hiking 5 miles here 10 miles there and just thinking about when i would be on trail on an actual thru hike. Finally after preparing and doing my thing, the day had come. I rented a car and down to Georgia i went. I had become an expert hiker in the few weeks prior so i used all my skills to fail miserably. What i thought i knew, i knew nothing about! The one thing i knew for certain was that i was in love with the Appalachian Trail.
This will be my second attempt, my first attempt if you want to call it that was very short . I was ill prepared and border line delusional to think that this would be something i could do half heartedly. I believe that through failure there is always something to learn.
The Appalachian Trail has taught me that if i was willing to allow it to break me down that it would also build me up. Its no secret among hikers that if u hike continuously for a certain amount of time you will get your trail legs,but not without some mileage !
Thru hiking can sometimes get pretty complicated especially in relation to time ,work ,life etc. This was when i learned about maximizing my time on trail and the more i learned the easier things got. Easy is not a word i would normally associate with the Appalachian Trail but from a preparedness point of view you can make things a bit more pleasant. Lol another word i wouldn’t associate.
On my first FKT ,I tried to be as low key as possible so that if i failed i wouldn’t have to deal with anything that came with it, little did i relize that what i was trying to accomplish could only be done with the full support of the trail community. Often when you are out alone and you haven’t seen anyone for a bit its what you think of that will determine what your next moves are. Will you quit or keep pushing on? Having that support is critical.



2024 FKT AT

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