AT 2024 Keep Pressing On ..Again

I don’t tell my story in detail very often, but today I felt down deep someone needed to read this.

20 years ago I had to bury my daughter. (I am dedicating this thru-hiking year to her because I would not have the strength I do without her). Then my father passed, my best friend by 2 drunks drag racing, then my mother. So many friends,band mates, family (both blood and chosen) ….and many of all these in tragic ways.
Although at times it seemed impossible…yet I pressed on.

6 years ago I suffered a mini stroke which led to a brain embolism.
5 years ago I had a hernia surgery which caused complications and damage to an already compromised digestive system
This was followed by another mini stroke.
4 years ago I got the time stamp of 6 months to live with that dreaded diagnosis. Then almost didn’t wake up from an endoscopy to find if cancer spread there but luckily found an overly acid damaged esophagus but no cancer there. They were able to “bring me back” during that…obviously lol.
The news was grim…but yet I pressed on. I whined and sulked for a bit…but then pulled up my big boy pants…and fought it with all I could.
2 years ago it seemed to regress after defying the odds. It was at this moment I changed my life…hard!!! I’d walked and hiked my whole life….but this was going to be different. Climbing/Hiking up and down mountains was going to be the answer…my healing so to speak. Things began to change and change quickly…I could not get enough of summiting and pushing myself. I wasn’t planning on dying…but if I was…it was going to be trying like heck to live….and survive….on the mountains.
1.5 years ago I began my thru hike of the PCT. On day 1 I almost died on trail from a stomach bug that left me dehydrated and vomiting and immobile in the desert. I was rescued by the border patrol and rushed to the hospital. I was back on trail the following day of being released from the hospital. One month later after intense pain in my back for weeks I decided to go to the doctor where I found out to have a fractured spine caused by…Osteporosis. Another diagnosis…I returned to trail for another 100 days (1850 miles)
I. Pressed. On.

This is why I do what I do. Life throws obstacles and hurdles, and storms at you constantly. I’ve been climbing them my whole life….climbing the real thing on a physical, spiritual, mental, emotional level…is me conquering and pressing on like with the struggles of life…except….with physical mountains…I’m choosing it!!!. Nothing in life has quite spoke to me that same way as nature, mountains, the trail has healed me…in all aspects. I was reborn!!! I have new life!!!
I am not promised the next year, the next month, the next day or minute…but as long as I have breath I will PRESS ON and LIVE LIFE….and keep on conquering. I am the strongest I have ever been!! EVER!!!! ❤️💪🦵

My 2024 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike starts in 30 days!!! You can follow me at and on here.

Thank you all who support and pray and back me up…it means so much to have you in my corner.

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Comments 9

  • Wanda Hale : Jan 8th

    Looking forward to following along again. Happy and safe hiking!

    • Fortune : Jan 8th

      Thank you so much

  • Gear Nerd : Jan 8th

    Onward, Fortune! Blessings and best of luck.

  • Holly : Jan 8th

    I wish you the best. I’ll be following along. I’m already inspired by you. Take good care of yourself. ♥️

  • Phyllis G : Jan 8th

    Fortune, you are an inspiration! I will be following your exploits and praying for you! Stay safe and hydrated.

  • Ruth : Jan 8th

    I hope to section hike part of the AT (the Shenandoah National Park) this summer. Perhaps our paths will cross. I’ll be following your adventure.

  • jen l : Jan 8th

    Wow, loving the energy! Can’t wait for you to start so that I can follow along with the journey. You are beyond inspiring. Thank you for opening your story to us.

  • Dinah B : Jan 10th

    Wow, excited to follow your journey – praying for safe travels

  • Allen Evans : Jan 10th

    Wow — another guy who gets it.

    The average US male’s life expectancy is about 70 years, meaning “middle age” is 35.

    2 years ago I received a cancer diagnosis. It occurred to me, “I’m some 15 years past “middle age”. I gotta focus on what’s important!”

    On 1/1/24, I began the ECT in Key West, FL. Hope to see you on the trail.

    — High Water


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