Bird Migration

How does a bird know when it’s time to migrate?  Some scientist believe that it has to do with dropping temperatures and the amount of daylight decreasing as fall approaches.  What they know for sure is that chemicals are released in the birds’ bodies that allow them to store more fat for the added energy they will need to make the trip and that the birds get very restless before they finally take to the skies.

I have been feeling very restless lately as the time approaches to start my northward migration.  Preparations are nearing finality and I’m feeling the urge to get going.  In making a serious assessment of my physical condition and limitations, weighing everything that I desire to accomplish on this trip and knowing my personal preferences for weather, favoring the cooler over the hotter, I have made the decision to advance my migration date from April 1st to March 8th.

      80 days until this Loon takes to the skies!

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