Day 11 – Wow, It’s a Zero Day!
Day 11
~ Zero Day ~
Miles Hiked: 0
Total Miles on AT: 52.5
And tax day. We took this day to do some last minute work. After all of that was accomplished, we lounged around, watched some YouTube (yay for old Oprah Show reruns!), and updated our families with our progress. I edited and uploaded a bunch of videos, typed up my blog posts, and edited my photos. There’s always so much to do on these zero days, but I just want to be lazy and do nothing.
Yet, I know when I look back on the experience, I’ll be happy to have such a full and vibrant record of where I’ve been, what I’ve seen, and what I thought about all of it. My first thru-hike was truly more a break from the real world and fueled by a desire to be disconnected and isolated while I processed where I was in life and where I wanted to be. This time around, I’m much more open to sharing the full experience with others.
Apart from that, the day was uneventful. I iced my poor knee and gave it the rest it so desperately desired. We’ve been taking a lot more zeros than I expected on this trip, but I chalk it up to getting adjusted to the trail. I’m hoping we’ll find more of a groove as we spend more and more time in the backcountry. Tonight, I’m going to enjoy my last night sleeping in a warm, comfy bed before heading back out again.
And that’s day 11.
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