Day 14: on mountain tops with no views
Today I hiked from the James Fry shelter to the Birch Run shelter. the hike was a walk-through the woods, which I enjoyed, but didn’t present any great photo ops except the Pole Steeple overlook. The two pictures below are views from this overlook. This overlook was a good quarter-mile off the trail, but it was definitely worth the detour.
I also passed through Pine Grove Furnace State Park, which has a lot to offer hikers once the season gets going. But right now everything‘s closed. The only service I could make use of was some external outlets for charging at the closed general store.
Although it was supposed to rain today, the weather turned out to be pretty pleasant, just a little cooler than yesterday and only partly sunny. After my 20 mile hike yesterday, I found that I was pretty tired today and the 17.1 miles that I hiked were difficult to finish even though they weren’t particularly rough terrain.
There are three of us tent camping here at Birch run and after dinner we had an enjoyable set of conversations before heading to bed early.
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