Day 85 – Marathon Week, Day #2

Marathon day 2 momentum continued nicely. The distance was not quite up to par with day 1 however considering the circumstances I’ll take it. Let’s get into the circumstances.

We’re still a fair bit behind Rabbit but we’re making up ground every day. We started the day at:

Chasing Rabbit Tracker: 68.1 miles

I woke around 7ish still feeling disgusting from the day prior. I took advantage of the privacy of my camp site to give myself a proper (as proper as conditions would allow) cleaning. I stripped to the buff and basically gave myself a sponge bath in the spring nearby. It was just what the Witch Doctor ordered. After drying off, eating breakfast, and packing up camp I was almost ready to go.

There was just that issue of chaffage near my “boy gap” to manage (fun fact we made up the term “boy gap” and we’ve been using it for months now). I doctored the area with triple antibiotic ointment as a lubricant and I was off. Did it work? You betcha (I’m a doctor after all). To be honest, I was actually impressed with how well it worked out (it was a poor man’s bodyglide). Also the lack of a liner in my shorts probably helped too.

Random Thought of the Day:

We should genetically engineer caterpillars to eat poison oak/ivy. Sincerely, The through hiker community. You’re welcome society.

Today I saw some familiar faces and met some new ones. I hiked a bit with a section hiker named “Frosty.”  She’s a 19 year old who rows crew at UCSB so we surprisingly had a handful of things in common (crew, UC schools). Later in the day I also ran into Spicy, Minnie, and Late Start. It’s nice to finally be catching some folks. Perhaps finally* isn’t quite the right word, it’s only my 3rd day back on trail (but I’m impatient, sue me).

It was another humid one. The sweat poured once again early and often. My Achilles again was bothering me. I reached out to a local on social media who had offered to slack pack me up to Rabbit. Given our stance on slack packing, I suggested another way in which he could help (and boy did he ever).

Not only did he come through in the clutch and deliver me the super feet insoles I needed. He also brought me McDonalds, Mt Dew, and a small bottle of Fireball Whisky to boot. I chatted with Mr Chris and his wife for close to an hour. I continue to be completely astounded by the generosity and support shown to me by otherwise complete strangers. It goes a long way to restore one’s faith in humanity. Thank you again tremendously.

Song of the Day: “Bare Necessities” from Disney’s Junglebook

Being out here on the trail makes you realize how little you actually need in life. I listened to this song yesterday actually, I didn’t really listen to music today because I had such great company. All we really need are the bare necessities. Also mother natures recipes (specifically Cheeseburgers from McDonald’s and Mountain Dew).

Whether it was the McDonald’s or the insoles, I flew up the next 3.5 miles to Rod Hollow Shelter for dinner. I had some hot spots on my feet from the big miles in otherwise brand new shoes (still less than 70 miles). I used the last of my Leukotape and decided I could eek out another 2.5 miles before dark.

The end of the day was the start to “The Rollercoaster.” I did the first 2 uphills and camped at the peak of Piney Ridge. I arrived just after dark again and did a better job of prepping things for an early departure tomorrow. Today was a shorter day at the 22.6 miles stopping at mile marker 998.1. Given the epic trail magic and commiserating with new and old friends today I’ll still call it a win (even if the mileage fell short). Rabbit ended his day at mile 1062.4 so we gained another 3.8 miles.

Chasing Rabbit Tracker: 64.3 miles

Let’s recap marathon week this far:

Day 1: 27.6

Day 2: 22.6

Average: 25.1

We’re a little behind on averaging a marathon right now. I’m expecting things to get even worse tomorrow with rain in the forecast. But we’re not going down without a fight and big things are in store.

Stay tuned and stow away in my pack for day 86 of the Appalachian Trail.

(Marathon week will coincide with a week of dedication’s to mentors)

Gary Fugle

Thanks for being such an influential figure in my education. I attribute scholarships, being named the “Biology Dept Student of the Year”, getting into Medical school and succeeding in it, in large part to your help. Thank you for writing me a letter of recommendation and for letting me crash into an Anatomy class we both know had too many students in it already. I hope things are well for you and yours. Thanks again!

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Comments 6

  • thetentman : Jul 10th

    I like the caterpillar idea. But when I thought about it for a while I started imagining caterpillars that could make you itch if they touch you. Or their silk could make you itch.

    Great post.


  • Ellen R : Jul 10th

    I am enjoying following your adventures. I have a question. Since you are chasing Rabbit, have you thought of amending your trail name to “tortoise”? Or Jack Rabbit- as you seem to be crushing the miles?
    Have fun and thanks for the entertaining read.

    • EllenR : Jul 10th

      I think I like Greyhound better as they chase rabbits as well. Sorry, I am on a roll here!

  • EllenR : Jul 10th

    I think I like Greyhound better as they chase rabbits as well. Sorry, I am on a roll here!

  • thetentman : Jul 12th

    Hey Doc, this was published on the 9th. It is now the 12th. Are you OK? Hope all is well.


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