Day nine some green is appearing and a wet ending

After a stormy night last night  my hike began in fog and rain. The picture below is from a powerline, probably a beautiful view under different circumstances.

Today is the first day. I’m seeing some real green on the ground because I hike away from the 50 one shelter. I think it’s a combination of a couple warm days. A lot of rain last night and moving further south.

Below is a view from Little Mountain overlook. It’s a few yards off the trail, and has a beautiful view.

My goal this evening was to camp at Rausch gap and I made it. I took the alternate trail to avoid the beaver dam since I didn’t feel like waiting through swamp.

After setting up camp at a campsite a half mile from the shelter, I ate three of the four slices of leftover pizza from last night. Then I noticed I had no cell service and I walked up to the shelter, almost a half mile from my camp and was able to call my wife briefly. It started pouring while I was making the call and I jogged back to my camp. As I write this, I’m snugging my tent with a few more wet clothes than I would like, but in pretty good shape, ready to resume tomorrow.


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