Days 5-7 – Zero Daysss

Days 5 – 7

Miles Hiked: 0

Miles on the AT: 31.3


We took 3 zero days. Yep, count ‘em: One, two, three! Our break was supposed to consist of just 2 zero days, but things happened.

We spent our days of leisure in a cabin close to Neel Gap. The whole drive there, I was anticipating a hot steamy shower that was at least twice as long as my regular showers. I could already imagine the suds in my hair and the dirt washing down the drain.

Not So Warm Welcome

The reality was much more disappointing. The shower that I dreamed so much about was freezing cold! I turned the knob alllll the way to hot and what I got was not…hot. In my haste to get clean, I decided to grit my teeth and bear it for the few minutes that I could spend on the most vital areas. When I got out and told the fiance it was cold, he went in and, lo and behold, hot wasn’t actually hot. Hot was somewhere between Cold and Hot (cold). I had turned the knob too far. Darn.

I waited for him to finish his shower so I could take my second shower and wash my hair while enjoying it. After the shower fiasco, I felt like new. Well, really I felt a bit like ground beef, but the organic kind. I wasn’t fully beat down and out of commission, but my knee did hurt and I was starting to feel hungry.

Blairsville, GA

We got a ride into Blairsville for a much needed hamburger and then headed to Ingles to do some grocery shopping. We only intended to get enough food for the next few days at the cabin, but we got a little carried away and did our whole resupply there.

I really like Ingles! I was pleasantly surprised by their selection of natural and organic foods. Plus, the place was HUGE! I found exactly what I needed (plus a little more.)

Back at the cabin, we spent the next few days recuperating (me) and working (him.) I edited and uploaded videos and blog posts in between checking out other hikers’ vlogs on YouTube. While watching I iced my knee and tried to move as little as possible.

On our first zero day, I felt like I had a wicked hangover. It was like my blood felt heavy and needed to be cleansed. I drank a tailwind hydration packet plus at least 2 more liters of water and started to feel better. By day 2, I was feeling almost like myself. I did take a nice afternoon nap though.

Let’s Get Back Out There!

On day 3, I was ready to get back on trail. However, I was also a little happy to extend our rest days. A huge rain storm had rolled in the night before and it didn’t sound pretty out there. There was thunder and we could hear branches falling outside the cabin. Thunder shook the whole place and the lights flickered with it. It seemed the storm would continue into the next day, making me content with being warm and dry in a cabin.

Soon, though, the time came to back my bags and get ready for the next day out on trail. Let’s get back out there!


And that’s days 5 through 7.


Follow my journey on instagram (@jenbrownhikes) and youtube ( for more updates!

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